Friday, December 21, 2007

Please Waterboard this She-He


It's still not unconstitutional, right? GET TO IT! For real.

The New York Observer actually thought it would be kewl to interview the pillow biter, I suppose assuming he had something interesting to say.

Isn't it bad enough we had to watch that fucking video over and over? Then, he's getting his own show. Then gets Time's viral video of the year.

In the NYO interview, he spits out cute gems like this:

This election will be my first chance to vote, and I want to be confident in my choice. Everyone thinks it’s so controversial for Hillary to be in the running, but where are the openly gay presidential candidates? Don’t get me wrong, fag hags are great, but why have the hag when you can have the fag?

I rest my case, secret Bush Administation terrorist court people. Intern this danger to society now.

So, start with this


stir in some


a dash of this


sprinkle some of this on it


and then BAM! One steaming hot serving of my tax dollars put to good use right at my dinner table.

Good for some, good for all. Right?

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