Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bob Barr: Big Baby

Trust me, dude.  It ain't worth it.

Today there's some kind of Bible quiz at Rick Warren's giant waterpark that he built for Jesus. Guess who wasn't invited?

Bob Barr, the poor man's L. Ron Paultard.

He's so mad that he's suing Baby Jesus:

Barack Obama and John McCain are scheduled to make a joint appearance Saturday at Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif.

No other candidates have been invited, which has ticked off Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr.

Russ Verney, campaign manager for the former Georgia congressman, has just sent out a mass e-mail saying Barr will seek a court order to require the church to invite him, too.

Which perhaps is an odd thing for a Libertarian to do — asking a judge to determine whom a church should invite into its sanctuary.

1 comment:

jwpegler said...

No problem. Revoke their tax exempt status and no one will complain about their private behavior.