Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fuck You, Virginia Foxx

Seriously, eat a bag of dicks.

From Towleroad:

Some ugly things are being said in the House debate of the federal hate crimes bill (the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act aka the Matthew Shepard Act) right now on C-SPAN. North Carolina GOP Congresswoman Virginia Foxx said that it's a "hoax" that Matthew Shepard's murder was motivated by his sexual orientation.

Since then, the cunt twat taint stain has backtracked on her remarks:

"It has come to my attention that some people have been led to believe that I think the terrible crimes that led to Matthew Shepard's death in 1998 were a hoax," she said. "The term "hoax" was a poor choice of words used in the discussion of the hate crimes bill. Mr. Shepard's death was nothing less than a tragedy and those responsible for his death certainly deserved the punishment they received.

"The larger context of my remarks is important. I was referring to a 2004 ABC 20/20 report on Mr. Shepard's death. The 20/20 report questioned the motivation of those responsible for Mr. Shepard's death. Referencing this media account may have been a mistake, but if so it was a mistake based on what I believed were reliable accounts."

On a personal note, your editor (as a gay Indy) does not really believe in Hate Crimes legislation. Tragedy is tragedy, violence is violence, and murder is murder. No one group should be singled out for special treatment.

If the gay community wants to be treated on equal footing with the rest of society, we should really avoid putting ourselves in a seperate but equal situation.

HOWEVER, Rep. Foxx's statements were detestable.

In Summary: Suck it, Virginia Foxx.

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